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Delivering insights that improve outcomes

Helping clinicians and organizations unlock, understand and get comfortable with a new generation of data and technology to make the world a healthier place.

Male health worker using tablet

Unlocking results

Advancements in digital health and data collection have yielded a new generation of information that could unlock the way we care for patients and improve global health.

Data that changes lives

As increasing amounts of data become available, clinicians need greater tools to make sense of it all — from patient care decisions to snapshots of community health. With tools that can synthesize the data and identify insights, the task of optimizing care delivery overall becomes more feasible — leading to better outcomes for patients.

Elsevier has a deep expertise in data, and we work continuously to make sure it's accessible and actionable.

Learn more: What Doctors and Nurses Say They Need For An Effective Digital Transformation of Healthcare(opens in new tab/window)

Improving outcomes with evidence-based learning

We focus on making sense of data and turning it into information, so you can turn that information into decisions.

Hear from our data experts, Rich Loomis, MD, Chief Informatics Officer, Elsevier, and Josh Schoeller, Global President, Clinical Solutions and Chief Executive Officer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Health Care.

Delivering insights to improve outcomes banner

Learn more about the state of healthcare and what the future may bring in our Clinician of the Future report.

"An inability to immediately access actionable data pieces from systems creates a real burden for clinicians."

Dr Ian Tong


Ian Tong

USA, who participated in the discovery interviews for the Clinician of the Future study

Featured products


Evidence-based, oncology decision support and analytics for cancer care


Clinical Pharmacology powered by ClinicalKey

Improve medication decisions with trusted knowledge


ClinicalKey for Nursing

Evidence-based knowledge supports optimal clinical decisions


ClinicalKey for Physicians

Because you want to find a better way to help your patients



A healthier future for your patients begins with the right patient education


Clinical Skills

Evidence-based skills and procedures
